Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Matthew 5:5
 Blessed are the meek,  for they will inherit the earth.

I have been thinking today about "meekness". This is probably one of the most misunderstood words in scripture. When some people think of meekness they automatically think of weakness. This couldn't be further from the truth. In the scripture we see that two of the strongest men in the word are characterized by the word meek - Moses and Jesus! Numbers 12:3 - Moses was very meek, above all men on face of the earth.
Matthew 11:29,30 - Jesus said, "I am meek and lowly in heart."
As we look at these two, we can determine that meekness definitely does not mean weakness.
Meekness could be explained as strength under control. I think about a wild stallion and the strength that they display before they are broken. They are uncontrollable and all over the place. Ready to fight and not controlled by anything but base instincts and survival. After being broke, their strength is not diminished, but instead is brought under control by the bit in their mouth. That inner strength is controlled and directed by the one who holds the reigns in their hands.
When we first come to God, before we start to walk in the role of a disciple, we are wild like the stallion. Our efforts are usually uncontrolled and based on the instincts left over from our old life...flesh. But as we grow we are brought under the awesome control of the Holy Spirit. We learn to move right or left, forward or back, or come to a stop and wait...based on the direction of God in us. Our strength is harnessed and directed where it needs to be...against our enemy. Humility is puts us in a place of great accomplishment because the word tells us that God draws near to us when we walk in humility. Meekness brings us to a place of humility because we voluntarily submit our strength to our God and recognize His wisdom in leading and guiding us.
When we are meek we are in a position to be in dominion over the earth we occupy. We become the ones who make a positive impact on the world and change it for God's purpose and plan. What an awesome promise. We yield our life to God and He rewards us with great blessing. God help be to be meek...I need that. That's what I have been thinking....

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