Sunday, February 26, 2012

Ephesians 6: 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

After all the defensive armor, we finally have the opportunity to look at a piece of offensive weaponry that God has gifted us with-the SWORD OF THE SPIRIT...THE WORD OF GOD.

God's word is the weapon of choice for the believer who is interested in doing serious damage to the kingdom of darkness. The scripture is the final word of truth and the truth destroys the lying and intimidation of the devil. His tongue speaks accusation that lead to stealing, killing, and destroying. How powerful is the word of God? Very powerful!!! If Jesus Christ, the Son of God used the word to battle Satan, I believe we should adapt the same strategy. After Jesus had spent 40 days of fasting and prayer in the desert, the enemy came to Him and offered several temptations. The devil used partial truth (scripture taken out of context) to try and sway the commitment of the Lord to His mission of salvation. In every instance, Jesus commented "It is written...." and used the whole truth based on the Word of God to destroy the temptation of the enemy. 

Too many Christians just have a casual relationship with God through His word. The word is LIFE and to walk in real spiritual life we must live in deep relationship with the word. The word gives us the truth by which we can walk in righteousness and battle with integrity. We can't just dust off the Bible every time we have a trying time in our life and expect that we can get through without being mortally wounded by the enemy of our soul. The Holy Spirit can guide us to all truth and the truth is embedded in the Living Word. As we are exposed to the word, He will, through His Spirit breathe more and more life into us. This is how we win over sin and temptation. 

The sword is a powerful double-edged weapon. One edge of the weapon exposes sin in our life and leads us to repentance while the other edge cuts and puts the enemy to flight. We need to be proficient in the use of this weapon to walk in holiness and fight the enemy and win. The Word is the key to wisdom and wisdom will allow us to apply the scripture correctly to every situation we find ourselves in. Not just mentally knowing the word, but living it out every day as we walk through the situations of life. Pick up your sword, never let it leave you and let the Bible give you victory. VICTORY IS OURS IN JESUS NAME. 

Saturday, February 25, 2012


Ephesians 6:  17And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

Today, I want to take a look at the next piece of armor and weaponry that God gives us-the helmet of salvation.

The helmet was a vital piece of protective gear. The moment someone determined if they covered the brain and the vital areas of the head a distinctive advantage was obtained in battle. Even when men were throwing rocks at one another, a head shot was disruptive and deadly.

The helmet of salvation is protection for the believer and represents the knowledge that we are saved and redeemed by the blood of Jesus. The realization of what lengths God went to in order to bring us in relationship with Himself is awesome. According to the scripture in Romans 3:10-12, we are all in the same condition-SIN. When we talk about the sin condition we aren't talking about "sins". Those are the individual acts that are a result of the sin condition. When we are under the curse of the sin condition, even good deeds are sinful in God's sight. Remember the scripture we covered in an earlier session? Isa. 64:6 says that our own righteousness is like filthy rags in the sight of God. Therefore, we are stuck and in a hopeless state as long as we are left to our own devices. But God had a different plan for us. A plan to pull us up out of this hopeless sinful state and set our feet on the solid Rock-Jesus. While we were yet in our sinful condition, He sent Christ to die on our behalf. Love doesn't get any better than that. 

Sin creates a debt sheet that cannot be balanced with our own resources. We needed a bailout and the only One who could purchase our debt and set us in the free and clear was Jesus Christ, the sinless perfect Lamb of God. The Lord in His mercy and grace came down on behalf of a people who had rejected Him and His way. He gave Himself for us, not out of obligation, but out of nothing but pure unconditional love. He offers us salvation as a free gift. We can't earn it, we can't buy it, we just have to receive it. WHAT AN AWESOME THING IS THE LOVE OF GOD.

When we receive the gift of salvation, our whole world should change. The greatest thing in life is that can step out of the darkness and into the marvelous light of our God. When we know how much God loved us it should give us great confidence to do battle against an enemy set on destroying every aspect of our lives. The word says "let this mind be in you, even the mind of Christ." We can have the thought process of the Lord Himself. As we stand and do battle, the strategies of the Lord become our strategies and we start to see one victory after another until the enemy shakes at the presence of the Anointed One in our lives. 

The knowledge of His love and salvation present in our lives is awesome protection from the accusations of Satan and his demonic forces. The power of God covering our mind allows us to fight without distraction. Our peace of mind is not like the world's peace. It is supernatural and helps us to give God glory in each and every circumstance or situation that life holds for us. I remember a T-shirt with a saying on it that sums it up.
So, stand in the knowledge of your salvation and fight with great peace. Just sayin'.... 

Thursday, February 23, 2012


Ephesians 6: 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.

The belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, and the shoes ready to go and spread the gospel-all great pieces of armor that protect us and give us strength to battle and win in spiritual warfare. Today, I am looking at the SHIELD OF FAITH that God gives us to keep out the fiery arrows and spears the enemy throws at us.

First, let's consider what those fiery darts are... a big part of the arsenal that the evil one possesses is the accusations that he hurls at us day and night according to Revelation 12:10. He is always lying to us and trying his best to intimidate us with his lies. What can shield us from these onslaughts of untrue accusations? Only real faith can stop the constant barrage of his lying tongue. What is real faith?

There is a pseudo faith or "false" faith that is more mental assent instead of rock-solid conviction. Many times we are fooled into believing that just a mere nod toward God's word is faith. Faith causes us to change our lives, change our morality, change our habits, and change our world. We can't simply say we believe and that be enough. Faith is that get out of the boat and walk on water type of trust that changes everything about us. As we stand against even our own reason and what the world says, we can see the faith of God protect us from the enemy. 

There are two examples in scripture that immediately come to mind. First, is the example of David facing off with Goliath. Goliath was a giant who trusted in his physical armor, size, and weaponry. To every reasonable person, David was nuts to stand toe to toe with this gigantic warrior and take him on. Sometimes, faith is mistaken for foolishness. Goliath uttered what appeared to be the truth-that he was about to make critter food out of little David. But David had a different idea that was faith-based and rock-solid. David spoke to his enemy based on his knowledge of God's faithfulness and told Goliath that he had this all wrong. With one small stone and a sling, David put down the enemy of God and cut off his head so that the one who threatened the integrity of his God would no more speak his lies. The second example is Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. The king threatened them with the fiery furnace. The didn't shrink from his threats but instead said, “O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God whom we serve is able to save us. He will rescue us from your power", They were convinced of God's ability and do what He does best-honor His promises. They were thrown into the furnace and came out on the other side of this experience without even the smell of smoke on their clothes. When we stand in faith, we can take the heat of Satan's furnace and come out looking good.

Faith like that comes to us through relationship and not religion. The better we KNOW GOD, the more we are shielded from lies. When we know the Person who is the TRUTH, lies are so obvious. Know God and know the protection He gives from the enemy's fiery darts. Just sayin'...

Wednesday, February 22, 2012



Ephesians 6: 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.

Along with the belt of truth and the breastplate of righteousness, we should have a readiness to share the gospel. Everyone of us are carrying a tremendous message of redemption in our hearts. There is great power when we let what is in our heart come out in a proclamation of the gospel. The gospel is the good news of Jesus' birth, life, death, resurrection, and work in our individual lives. I have witnessed first hand how that message can change lives. There are two ways that we carry the gospel into the world we interact with.

First, we must be willing to speak forth the truth so that people can know the motivation and reason for our faith. The power of our testimony is a word of encouragement that God loves everyone. God is no respecter of persons, so, what God has done for me, He will do for others. This is gives great hope to the hopeless and light to those in the dark. The gospel is the power of God to righteousness. We have to preach before others can believe according to Romans 10:14-15. Since this is true, we should consciously and intentionally not be ashamed of the good news that JESUS SAVES!! It doesn't matter how good your morals or integrity if you never let anyone know WHO MADE YOU THAT WAY!! God will give you an anointing to speak with power. As we listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit in us, we will impact others with our testimony. When we stand in the awareness of what His blood has done for us, our words have life and freedom in them. The enemy hates to hear what God has done for us. As long as we are talking about Jesus, it is hard for us to listen to what the Accuser is saying to us and we are more likely to walk consistently and uprightly with the Lord.

The other side of the coin in preaching the gospel is living uprightly and Godly before men. It  is imperative that we don't just "talk the talk", we have to "walk the walk" as well. St. Francis of Assisi said, Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary, use words."  This is awesome wisdom and will create a more powerful testimony that will cause men to kneel before the power of God an the devil to run and tremble.

To testify and be ready always as God leads to share the gospel is an intimidating weapon. Take what God has done for you, and strike a blow against the kingdom of darkness and see VICTORY IN JESUS!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Installment 4: Armor and Warfare

 Ephesians 6 14Stand therefore [hold your ground], having tightened the belt of truth around your loins and having put on the breastplate of integrity and of moral rectitude and right standing with God,

Today, I want to look at the next piece of the Armor of God that the Lord has given us to stand and do battle with - the BREASTPLATE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS. The breastplate was a protector of the vital organs of the ancient warrior doing battle. This is an important piece of warfare equipment and we need to understand how we put it on and how it protects us and gives us confidence that we may get wounded in the battle but the vital areas of our spiritual life are protected.

There are basically two types of righteousness. The first type of righteousness is that which is established on our own list of dos and don'ts of the religious nature. This is called "self-righteousness" and as you read the scripture it doesn't take long to realize God is no fan of self-righteousness. One of the traps is that we try to impress God and others by what we "do". Reading the Bible for an hour a day, locking ourselves away to pray, attending church are all good activities but are lots of ungodly people who do things out of religious compulsion or an attempt to look righteous. This is not true righteousness and will end in defeat if we try to stand and battle from this foundation. On the other hand, abstaining from stuff and activities may make you disciplined but it doesn't qualify as right standing with God. Not drinking, not cursing, not wearing immodest clothing, not associating with certain types of people all gives us no good standing with God. Many Christians fall into these two dangerous traps. We think that because of what we do or don't do we are righteous and can battle against the enemy. He loves for us to attempt to stand against him in our own righteousness. When we try stand in our own righteousness we will become mortally wounded spiritually and will end up falling beneath the onslaught of the enemy. We need to remember that God in Isa. 64:6 says that "all our righteousness is as filthy rags" 

Enough about false righteousness. 2 Corinthians 5:21 Amplified Bible (AMP)
21For our sake He made Christ [virtually] to be sin Who knew no sin, so that in and through Him we might become [[a]endued with, viewed as being in, and examples of] the righteousness of God [what we ought to be, approved and acceptable and in right relationship with Him, by His goodness]. This verse makes it very clear that true right standing with God comes as a gift from God. Jesus, the only true righteous one, took our sin and gave us His righteousness in return. His sacrificial death on the cross bought and paid in full for our right standing. When we stand in battle with the enemy understanding that the devil's accusations have no power against the true righteousness of Jesus Christ, we cannot be defeated. The enemy cowers in fear when we trust in the Lord and lean not to our own understanding. Receiving God's true righteousness infuses us with the power of God to walk in His protection. When we come into the fullness of God's love and power then the dos and don'ts become part of our nature. Not based on impressing God, but on loving Him and our behavior and attitudes flow from that heart desire. 

Don't be fooled into thinking what you do on the outside impresses God or the devil. Satan will laugh at your self-righteousness and win. Jesus told the hypocritical Pharisees that they were like a graveyard with polished headstones and underneath were dead men's bones. Our righteousness must flow from the heart that has been redeemed and has received Christ. Remember that we are the righteousness of God "IN CHRIST". Check out these verses. These scriptures clearly state that true righteousness is from God and  is our protection and confidence as we battle the enemy!! Just sayin'.......

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Installment 3: Armor and Warfare

Ephesians 6: 14Stand therefore [hold your ground], having tightened the belt of truth around your loins and having put on the breastplate of integrity and of moral rectitude and right standing with God,

After choosing to stand, and knowing who your enemy is, we begin to understand the importance of being clad in the Armor that God has given us. He has placed at our disposal all that we need to be victorious in the battle we fight daily against he devil and his demonic forces. We lack nothing and can deal a death blow to his plans for robbing, killing, and destroying. The great battle for the souls of men and women, boys and girls is an awesome responsibility that we must embrace and excel at as part of the Army of the Lord.

The first piece of Armor is the belt of truth. The belt on the armor of a warrior gives great strength and support so that in the midst of battle he can continue to stand and fight. It is the strength and might of the Lord Himself that gives us strength to continue to fight the battle. Jesus is the way the truth and the life. (John 14:6) We are indwelled with the presence of Jesus. Truth is infused into us by the very knowledge of Jesus Christ living in us.

The most important thing we can do is know not only what Christ has redeemed us from, but to realize what He has redeemed us to. When we know the truth about who we are in Christ, we are strengthened to fight the battle and win. The enemy will attempt to weaken us with lies as he accuses us. According to Revelation 12:10-11, the enemy is defeated by our testimony standing firm on the blood of the Lamb. Our testimony must be the TRUTH. As Satan points his gnarly finger at us in accusation, it is of utmost importance that we answer him with confidence based on the TRUTH about who we are in the Lord. Not based on how we feel or don't feel, but based on what the word of God says about us who are his children and joint heirs in the Lord. The enemy trembles before the warrior of God who has confidence in his relationship to God. 

We need to speak the truth about who we are in Christ and stand in that truth. Here is a list of scriptural truths that build faith and build confidence about who we are. Click Here for List. Christ Jesus has strength for us if we will receive it. The battle we are in requires us to stand and stand long and we will need every bit of strength we can possess. The joy of the Lord is our strength and when we know who Christ has made us....we get filled with lots of JOY and tons of STRENGTH...we will fight and win in JESUS NAME. Just sayin'

Friday, February 17, 2012

Armor and Warfare 2.CHOOSE YOUR ENEMY

Ephesians 6 12For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
 13Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

In this second installment on the Armor of God and Spiritual Warfare I am going to share about the focus of our warfare.

One of the deceptive practices of Satan is to distract us from who our real enemy is. Because we live in a world of flesh and bone, we tend to focus on people who set themselves up against us or those who are part of the circumstances and situations that cause us to stumble. This is a huge mistake because in almost every instance we fall into bitterness. If bitterness sets in and takes root, we become open for every type of sin to enter into our lives according to Hebrews 12:14-16. If we do not strive to live at peace with all men, then we are falling into the trap that our enemy wants us to become ensnared in. It is so easy to think that people are the source of our problem. It is not an easy task to look past people who may openly hate and despise us, many times just because of the stand you make for the Lord. Jesus Himself said that if the world hated the prophets before you, you shouldn't be surprised that they hate you as well. So if flesh and blood isn't the real enemy, then who is it?

Our real enemy is Satan, his principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, and spiritual wickedness. There is a demonic hierarchy that exists in the spiritual world and this hierarchy creates turmoil, suffering, harassment, and difficulties for those of us who are committed to walk in peace with the Lord. The tendency for us when we find ourselves in conflict is to use fleshly tools to deal with the matter: anger, resentment, bitterness, hatred, gossip, slander, and many other sinfully based responses. The demons dance with joy when we go to war against others. They tremble when we choose to warfare in the Holy Spirit. When we bow before God, pray for those with flesh on who appear to be our enemies, speak the will and word of God over them, and command the demons to flee under the anointing of the blood of Jesus. 

Don't be deceived by the devil and his minions. Instead, choose with purpose and determination to fight every level of wickedness as you warfare in the spirit. Focus on loving flesh and blood and then deal the enemy a death blow by STANDING AGAINST HIS KINGDOM OF DARKNESS...give it a try and see what happens. Strongholds will fall, relationships will be mended, and God will be GLORIFIED....just sayin'...

Thursday, February 16, 2012


 EPHESIANS 5: 10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 

The first step we have to take in spiritual warfare is to make the choice to STAND. We gave to come to the place where we are sick and tired of being run over by the enemy of our soul. The problem with many of us is that we are interested in getting relief but not overcoming the battle. People will pray for us and even sometimes battle for us but that is never enough. One of the greatest gifts that God has given us is sovereign rule over our soul. In other words, God lets us make every choice for ourselves. We have to choose to repent, choose to receive Christ, choose to follow His word, and ultimately CHOOSE TO FIGHT OUR BATTLE WITH GOD'S HELP. He will not MAKE you stand. He has a plan for us but we have to make a choice to live and walk in that plan.

Satan not only wants to make us a victim of his plan. John 10:10 tells us that the devil's plan is to steal, kill, and destroy. When we are hit by the enemy, we become a victim but we have at our disposal the spiritual resources to be healed and overcome. The problem is that Christians are many times not trained to fight the battle and the vast spiritual resources given to us go untapped. This delights Satan because he isn't satisfied with victimizing us only once. He wants to keep on victimizing us for the rest of our lives if we will allow it. I have met and ministered to hundreds of people who have lived under the shadow of an incident or circumstance orchestrated by the devil. This should not be so. We have the power of Christ and the presence of the Holy Spirit within us to be not just overcomers but VICTORIOUS in Christ.

To begin the process of being victorious, we have to decide that enough is enough. We have to come to the end of our own efforts and appropriate the tools God has blessed us with to put the whoop on the devil and become a testimony of the power of God. The armor of God is real and each piece of armor represents walking in an awareness of our relationship to the Lord. To stand up to the enemy requires us to go on the offensive against the lying, cheating, demonic forces that want to keep us bound up and suffering. Making this choice puts us in a position to defeat the devil and begin to live the second half of John 10:10 - ABUNDANT LIFE.

The next few days we will look at each piece of armor and how it applies to our defeat of the enemy. If the choice is our choice the we should make it and CHOOSE LIFE....just sayin'...

The Whole Armor of God

Ephesians 6
10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we wrestle not against flesh  and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. 13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. 14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; 15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. 17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: 18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

I am going to spend the next few days writing about the "Whole Armor of God". This will serve as the Introduction for the next few blogs, so I posted the entire passage and will focus on a different concept of the Armor and spiritual warfare each day.

I know that we need greater understanding of the concept of spiritual warfare because I minister to so many people who are being trampled by the enemy and are living life harassed by Satan and his minions. 
My simple prayer is that what God has revealed to me will in some way touch and change someone who reads this blog. We are in this life together and we should stand shoulder to shoulder, back to back and fight with and for each others. We also need fight for ourselves. It is never enough to just have other people praying and fighting. There comes a place, a time, and an anointing that we must make a choice and fight.

Anyway, I will share over the next few days what the Lord has revealed. I hope you "tune in" for each days submission. Blessings and fight on. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Agape Love...Love With No Expectations

Wrote this yesterday, but just getting it posted today.

Romans 5:8

Amplified Bible (AMP)
8But God shows and clearly proves His [own] love for us by the fact that while we were still sinners, Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One) died for us.

Valentine's Day is a day that we set aside to tell those we love how much they mean to us and usually we express that love with gifts. Today I am thinking about how much God loved me. The scripture says He loved me while I was yet a sinner. Before I made a move toward Him, He committed His life to me as a gift. We normally love conditionally. That is to say, many times we give with an expectation to get something in return. We hate to admit it, but if we are brutally honest, we know this is true. We talk about having the love of God and loving others that same way, but we are pitifully short of what the true nature of agape love really is. In 1 Corinthians we are challenged to focus on love. The Greek word that is used there is agape. Agape is translated "charity" in the KJV of the scripture. Charity is a word that simply explained means that agape love is expressed by giving that places on expectation of personal return along with it. If you give to a charitable organization, you release your gift unconditionally with no personal expectation of gain. 

It is hard to love people with that unconditional type of love. People seem to always be...well...people. They let you down, they hurt you, they are inconsiderate, and they don't deserve it. But...neither did we deserve the love that Jesus gave us. We deserved to die, to go to hell, and to live eternally with out the light of God. So as we think about expressing our love to others, let's trust that as we give our heart to others that God can take that love, plant it in the heart of people around us and yield fruit from it. I have been the recipient of that kind of love from the Lord and from others too. When I was the most unlovely, God loved me through His people and I responded. It was my choice and I made it. IT CHANGED MY LIFE. Will everyone we love respond?? NO. But if we love just because it is the right thing to do, we can leave all that up to Christ...just sayin'

Monday, February 13, 2012

A Mess and the Best Rolled into One.

Sorry.... I missed a day of posting. Busy day on Sunday so that might be the day I take off and try to blog the other 6.

Today I have had family on my mind and how important it is to share love with them while we have the opportunity. I picked up Momma and Debra and we attended the homegoing service of my great aunt in Anson, Texas. She was 92 years old and the last of my Grandma Jones' siblings to pass away. I got to see several kinfolk that I haven't laid eyes on in a long time and that was a  good thing. They were all very loving and supportive of one another and the First Baptist Church ladies in Anson did a great job showing love to our family by providing a great meal for us before the service. We sang songs picked out by my Great Aunt Traleta before she passed...One Day At A Time, Precious Memories, and When I've Walked the Last Mile of the Way. The pastor who shared the Word with us reminded us this was not goodbye but only goodnight for those who are in Christ. The assurance of our salvation indeed does take the sting and bitter hurt from death, because the Holy Spirit witness to us that our separation is only for a time and we will all be with the Lord someday.

Services like this are awesome when you know that the one who has passed was a child of the Living God and that our songs and tears are mixed with JOY because as the Apostle Paul says, "to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord." The moment we breathe our last on this earth, the next breath is the clear air of Heaven....

Love Christ and take sometime today to call someone in your family you havent talked to in a while and say, "I love you!", while you still can. You won't regret taking a moment and sharing God's sweet love with them. If you aren't sure about their eternal place with God, share the plan of salvation with them and let them know that your love isn't just about the moment, but about eternity.

I thank God for my family, both immediate and extended. They are a mess and they are the best all rolled up into one....just sayin'...r

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Fellowshipping in the Light

1 John 1:7

King James Version (KJV)
 7But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.

What was I thinking? Well, after attending tonight's Valentine's Banquet at our church, I was thinking how sweet it is to have fellowship with the body of Christ. We had about 35 adults and I just enjoyed being with them and being loved on and loving them back. What is fellowship? The Greek word used in the New Testament is the word "Koinonia" and it has several applications that are found in different passages in scripture. I want to focus on one aspect of this word and that is the relational aspect. Those of us that are "in Christ" are bound together by the blood of Jesus Christ. Each and every one of us share an experience of conviction, repentance, forgiveness, and salvation. We have been brought our of darkness into the marvelous light of Christ. It doesn't matter what racial, financial condition, social standing, or cultural background we come from. We all have to come to Christ the same way - on our knees before a God who sacrificed His only Son to redeem us. Because of this we have a spiritual relationship with Christ because His Holy Spirit lives in us and we are in spiritual relationship with each other through that same Holy Spirit. This creates a special bond that is shared by no other people on earth. 

What is so cool is the family feeling that exists in this relationship. I have experienced this fellowship with Africans, Spanish, Mexican, Guatemalan, Italian, Japanese, and other peoples all over the world. Fellowship knows no geographical boundaries and is sweet and satisfying like no other relationship.

The fellowship we have with those in our local body is especially gratifying. We worship together, have communion together, grow spiritually together, give to each other, rejoice with each other, mourn with each other, and eat together. As a pastor I get to have lots of brothers, sisters, mommas, dads, kids, grandkids, etc. Such an awesome privilege it is to share the light of God with them all. I wouldn't trade this fellowship for anything.

Some people try to live in Christ like they are the "Lone Ranger Christian". They ignore the body of Christ and don't benefit from fellowship, therefore, they are being robbed of so much strength and healing that flows out of relationship with the body. Most people who are not if fellowship with a local body of believers is a victim of deception and stunted spiritual growth.

I was thinking that we need each other and God sure is smart (of course He is, cause He is God) to make it where we would depend on each other. I have been blessed so much in my Christian life by fellowship and I encourage EVERYONE to get in fellowship with the body of Christ...nothing else can take it's place...just sayin'...

Friday, February 10, 2012

Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles, and the judgments he pronounced.1 Chronicles 16:11-12
This past week has been really heart wrenching for some of us close to the Watson family in Sacramento, Ca. as there 13 year old daughter went missing. Those of us who know Christ Jesus looked to Him for strength and sought His face on behalf of Maddy. After four stress filled days, she was returned to her family unharmed. Tonight I am remembering this wonder and miracle and a thanking our awesome God for His mercy and grace on Chris and Carrie as they held tight to each other and were surrounded by family and friends. What am I thinking tonight? I am thinking that sometimes we remember the big miracles like returning this little girl to her family and forget about the miracles that are smaller and daily in nature. We need to stop from time to time and REMEMBER how much He does for us daily. I love my God because He first loved me - and the miracles are just an added bonus. ...... Just sayin'

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Psalm 119:165

King James Version (KJV)
 165Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.

This has always been a verse that challenges me. When I meditate on this verse I realize that my love of the Word of God is evidenced by the peace that abides in my heart and life. The word "offend" in the Hebrew is "mikshowl" and its literal meaning is "to stumble and to fall". One of the biggest problems we all face as Christians is being offended by people, by circumstances, and by situations we encounter in life. I know that taking offense causes me to stumble in my Christian walk and on more than one occasion I have found myself face down in the dirt of bitterness, self-pity, and hurt. 

The Word of God to the believer is life and as we meditate on His precepts we are given a foundation that cannot be shaken if we will just as the scripture says, "lean not to our own understanding". We are admonished by Jesus Himself to abide in the Word. Abiding is not an easy task. Abiding is not having a casual relationship to the scripture. It is absorbing the very life that comes from the living word and causes light to spring forth from us. The enemy wants to put out that light and he many times does that when we lose focus on the Lord, live selfishly and self-centered lives. We are so often concerned with being "RIGHT" and exercising our "RIGHTS" that we are no longer right with God.

The word allows the peace of God to keep me on course, to walk in forgiveness, to love my enemies, to lay down my life for my brothers and sister, and to desire more than anything to bring glory to Christ in everything I do. This type of life sets us apart from the world and makes those who aren't "in Christ" to sit up and take notice. To live in peace no matter what is happening to us or around us can only happen if we love the word.

If we love something or someone we endeavor to spend as much time as we can involved in the object of our love. How much time do I spend thinking on the very words that God inspired and blessed me with? Not as much as I should I must confess. Let us all dedicate more time to letting that word become infused in the very fiber of our being...we will not stumble near as often....just sayin'

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Okay, I think that I would like to start by saying that I have resisted blogging but that I realize this is an excellent way to record my thoughts and revelations that the Holy Spirit downloads to me. So, I am going to try to blog if for no other reason to have a record for myself that I can look back on. I know that one thing God has  shown me is that I will be more aware of the daily blessings He bestows on me if I take a few moments and put them on the blog...also, He gives me insight for living my life in Christ on almost a daily basis. I will endeavor to jot down those thoughts as well. Anyway, this is a start.
I realize today that God's love for me is so awesome. In the book of Jeremiah it says that God loves us with an everlasting love and He draws us to Himself.

God did draw me to Him and continues to do so every day. The great thing about it is that He draws me closer and closer. Throughout our entire lives He desires to pull us close to His heart that we might become more and more in sync with Him and His purpose for our lives. His love will never end and it will carry me through this life and on to glory one day. 

He desires us to be in the place where we emulate the love He has for us. The most powerful thing in the world is LOVE. Love will tear down walls and pull down the strongholds that others have built to isolate themselves. People do that to "protect" themselves from being hurt like they have in the past. This is exactly what the enemy of our souls wants to do. He robs, kills, and destroys and He does it best when we cut ourselves off from the source of our healing and strength - the body of Christ. 

I have personally witnessed the power of love in my own life. When I was in a dark place and was drowning in bitterness, the love of others committed to pulling me out was what made the difference for me. They didn't give up, they didn't back off, and love reached through the darkness and touched me. I will never forget that this put my life back in God's hands and helped restore His plan and purpose for me. I think about some of the lives I have personally touched and know that without those warriors of love reaching out to me, they too would still be in darkness. 

What was I thinking? If you are walking in the light...stay there! Keep on loving and touching lives. If you are in a dark place, then do your part. When someone reaches out to you...then take their hand and let them pull you back into the light of God's awesome LOVE...JUST SAYIN'