Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Job 31:6
“Let me be weighed in a just balance, and let God know my integrity!”

What is INTEGRITY? Integrity is a term used in metallurgy to describe consistency inside out. For example a metal with integrity will have the same tensile strength throughout. Tensile strength is the resistance of a material to breaking under tension.

The statement made by Job was really a courageous one. He asked God to judge his integrity. It takes a great deal of confidence to stand before God and ask Him weigh your heart and know your integrity. God better than anyone knows our heart's motives and He judges our true intent. This statement by Job tells me that he is trusting in God alone to be his Judge.

Job endured a ton of hardship and his heart still cried out to the Living God in praise and adoration. In the midst of hardship instead of the grace and mercy we need, those closest to us will sometimes judge us. This is what happened to Job. His friends accused him of being sinful and thus the calamity that came upon him was in their eyes the judgement of God. His wife who should have known his heart told Job to just "curse God and die!" Really uplifting advice, huh?

In spite of the condemnation that came his way, Job trusted in his personal relationship with His God. He made a statement that God has used in my own life to keep me in right relationship with Him. Job said "Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him." Job was willing even in the face of death to trust in his God and let the Lord judge his heart.

This challenges me to lean hard upon the promises of God and know that what the scripture says in Romans 8:28 is true. God causes all things to work in concert to bring a good result...the word does not say that everything is good, but it does promise us if we will trust God in even the difficult times, the end result will be "good". This is where Job was hundreds of years before Christ came and Paul penned the words in the letter to the church in Rome. Because of Job's relationship to God, he would not trust in the advice of critical and judgmental people, but would, instead, trust in the justice of God Almighty, King of the Universe. Lord, give me that level of trust...I need it and only You can give it. That's what I've been thinking....

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