Friday, March 16, 2012


Colossians 3:12
Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.

This scripture reminds us that we are holy and dearly loved people. What a great word for us to be reminded that God has taken the refuse of our lives and imparted His holiness to us. That is love on an awesome level. The word reminds us that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for the ungodly. (Romans 5:6

Then, we are given a wardrobe lesson for the Christian. This is a "what to wear" for those of us who call ourselves His children and want to be seen as such by those we come in contact with.

First, Paul says we should clothe ourselves with compassion. Compassion is not sympathy. It is much more than that. Sympathy may get our attention but there is not intention. Feeling sorry for someone doesn't move us to act, but compassion puts us into the situation in a way that causes us to act in a way to insert Christ and His power into the life of those in need. Without compassion, we will pass by the needy an say "be blessed and be filled" but do nothing personally to bless or fill them.

Second, we are encouraged to put on kindness. The kindness of the Lord draws people into the presence of the Lord. What does kindness look like? It manifests itself through a hug, a word of encouragement, a prayer of intercession, a sandwich for the hungry, and a gentle touch of a sincere and kind heart. People have had enough pity and judgement. What they need is someone who will interject themselves into their situation with a kind touch. 

Then we are to put on humility. Humility comes when we do the work of the Lord with the realization that we are not better than those we minister to. We are just one beggar telling another beggar where to find the bread of life. Too many times, Christians are lured into an attitude of superiority and try to minister from that platform. People know when pride is involved in the help they receive and that kind of "ministry" is not effective or anointed. God resists the proud but comes near to those who are humble. When He is in the midst of what we do the anointing accomplishes what God wants and not what we want.

Gentleness is an important part of our wardrobe. Ministry should not be done harshly or without concern for the dignity of those in need. A gentle spirit brings a tenderness to our ministry and sets us apart from those who do things out of a sense of obligation. We are not obligated to help others, we are compelled by the loving gentle hand of the One who first loved us.

Last, we need patience to finish off the clothing that sets us apart. The work of God is compared to farming. We have to prepare the ground, plant the seed, cultivate and pull some weeds, water the ground, and finally reap the harvest. This all requires patience and causes us to exercise our faith. As we move to touch the lives of people, it will require us to wait upon the Lord many times. If we are patient and let God do His work with us, we will see Him draw many into a relationship with Him.

Let's go out fully dressed in the clothing that God has furnished for us. We will accomplish much more if we do so. Just sayin'...

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