Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Matthew 7:13-14 GOD’S WORD Translation (GW) The Narrow Gate

 13“Enter through the narrow gate because the gate and road that lead to destruction are wide. Many enter through the wide gate. 14But the narrow gate and the road that lead to life are full of trouble. Only a few people find the narrow gate.

This scripture tells us that there is a choice that must be made by those of us who follow Christ Jesus. There are two ways to travel through this world and its life experience. We as Christians know that following Christ requires some hard choices and we are commanded to follow the Lord. 

One gate we can enter in is the "wide gate". The wide gate is the easy way. This is the way of the world. Not willing to make the hard choice and go the way that everyone else is traveling is characteristic of the way that worldly individuals go. It is easy to tell which decision is the way of the world. Just see where most everyone is headed and you can know that it is the way of least resistance. Why is that? Because if you are headed the way that the devil wants you to travel, why should he give you any resistance? He has you right where he wants you and the spiritual resistance will be minimal. The problem is the easy way leads to destruction. The trade off is easy way now...destruction later. That simply means for all your efforts you get nothing. That is the way that the devil works. He give us a simple way to travel with no resistance but the end of this way is destruction.Psalm 1:6 tells us the that the way of the wicked leads to destruction.
So when you consider that the easy gate brings us to is total deception that causes us to choose to enter into that wide gate.

Now let's consider the narrow gate. The scripture tells us that the narrow gate leads us into trouble. The enemy hates for us to choose the way of the Lord and he will make sure that there is plenty of trouble along the way to discourage you and turn you around. While there is trouble, the Lord promises us that He will be with us all the way. Psalm 1:6 also tells us that the Lord watches over the way of the righteous and in other scriptures, the word tells us that God's way brings favor and blessings. In Matthew 28:20, the scripture tells us that Christ is always with us even to the end. What an awesome promise from God. Even though we don't have it easy, we have the Lord with us in every situation, every circumstance, and every relationship. The narrow gate leads us to life. Think about that. LIFE. This is a great promise. Now we should understand that doesn't just mean life eternal, it means the best quality of life on earth. The blessings of God aren't just for when we die and go to heaven, He has promised us abundant life here on earth...right now. 1 Timothy 4:8

So the choice is clear...easy now and nothing later or hard now and rewards NOW AND LATER. Given those options....I CHOOSE THE NARROW GATE. Just sayin....


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